Man, I’m so glad that I’m not the only person on the planet that remembers Remo Williams. I always thought that was a great flick, but most people I mention it to just look at me funny.
Best. Garak. Ever.
Doolittle: Bomb, this is Lt. Doolittle. You are not to detonate in the bomb bay. I repeat, you are NOT to detonate in the bomb bay!
It was quite strange when during podcast 76 Sean Quoted Worf “If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand!” Because I was watching First Contact less that two hours before I listened to the podcast, so if Sean doesn’t mind me stealing I will claim that line as my favorite, but it has to be spoken just like you were a Klingon…
“Wake me… when you need me.”
“You said humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive… maybe you don’t.”
“My name is Saul Tigh I’m an officer in the Colonial Fleet. Whatever else I am, whatever else it means, that’s the man I want to be. And if I die today, that’s the man I’ll be”
“Your soul is a cavern of lies”
Jack: You´re so shallow.
Daniel: Oh please. Teal´c is like one of the deepest people I know. He´s so deep. Tell him how deep you are. You´ll be lucky if you understand this. Go on, tell him how deep you are.
Teal´c: My depth is immaterial to this conversation
Daniel: Oh! You see!!!
Jack: No more beer for you.
I always wondered who the other two people were who had seen Remo…
“You move like a pregnant Yak.”
“Pitiful. I can see the deadly hamburger has done it’s evil work.”
“Put your hands behind your head”…
“I did not say to keep them there”…
Did you ever read the books, Chuck? The Destroyer series, I think. Fun, very 70’s spy type stuff.
“I have done far worse than kill you Admiral, I’ve hurt you. And I mean to go on hurting you. I will leave you as you left me as you left her, in a room for an eternity at the bottom of a dead planet. Buried alive, buried alive.”
Not to take away anything from the “KAHNNNNN!” screams that I saw on the post, but I always loved that monologue that Kahn said to Kirk.
One of my favorites is from SCi Fi/ Comedy (Space Balls)
Dark Helmet: Now what is it?
Radar Technician: I’m having trouble with the radar, sir.
Dark Helmet: What’s wrong with it?
Radar Technician: I’ve lost the bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps.
Dark Helmet: The what?
Colonel Sandurz: The what?
Dark Helmet: And the what?
Radar Technician: You know. The bleeps.
[makes bleep sound effect]
Radar Technician: The sweeps.
Radar Technician: And the creeps.
Dark Helmet: [to Colonel Sandurz] That’s not all he’s lost.
I don’t know that this is definitely the superlative answer, but I can’t think of a single line that rocked more worlds than Darth Vader’s “I am your father.” Young bucks, you cannot imagine how that line shook the foundation of everything we thought we knew about Star Wars. And then the wait to learn more about it, ouch…
Biggest. Mindfrak. Ever. At the time, at least.
Speaking of Darth Vader:
“I find your lack of faith disturbing” (I can’t believe no one’s mentioned that one!)
“He is as clumsy as he is stupid.”
“Perhaps you think you’re being treated…unfairly?”
More B5 quotes
“This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw, … or be destroyed.” [in the White Star!]
“Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.”
“Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.”– Delenn and Captain Drake in Babylon 5:“Severed Dreams”
“I do think there are some things we don’t understand. If we’d be back in time a thousand years, trying to explain this place to people, they could only accept it in terms of magic.”
“Then perhaps it is magic. The magic of the human heart, focused and made manifest by technology. Every day you here create greater miracles than a burning bush.”– Captain Sheridan and Elric in Babylon 5:“The Geometry of Shadows”
“I’d like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I’d look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?”
– Vir to Morden in Babylon 5:“In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum”
that movie was great ! especially his instructor what was his name again? Chow?
That was a really good line, but I really love the philosophical arguement that happened afterword and the bomb talking itself into believing that it was god.
Garak: The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination.
I think that was my high school yearbook quote.
Another favorite
Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.
Na’kal: “Breen. You’ve managed to import breen from homeworld. How?”
G’Kar: “It … isn’t actually breen.”
Na’Kal: “But the smell, the taste…”
G’Kar: "It’s an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It’s a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs. I suspect it’s one of those great universal mysteries which will either never get explained . . . or which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.
Sinclair: Ready?
Delenn: Why do your people always ask if someone is ready right before you are going to do something massively unwise?"
Sinclair: Tradition.
OR, my favorite, (See signature line, below):
I was going to do that one, but since the topic was supposed to be favorite “line”, I had to find one that was a line. However, if the topic was “conversation”, then yes.
If only you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes.
What about Douglas Adams?
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.
Douglas Adams:
Very BSG
Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again.
It doesn’t necessarily do it in chronological order, though.
From Trek IV:
“The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.”