Farscape 3x18 Fractures

Androgyne. See, Trek? Is it really that difficult? :rolleyes:

I remember who the culprit is… d:

So, what were the Nebari doing alone in the crate? d:

Looks like Chiana is becoming a precog.

Just a bit. d:

“Oh, males.”

So wrong hearing a muppet say that.

“The pleasure, Dominar, was all yours.” :rolleyes:

Wow. mix of comedy and drama.

Mouse dies again.

She always reminded me of Miss Piggy as she was flying away from the pod. :stuck_out_tongue:

And a thrilling escape. Nice.

That looked like spiderman.

So, John sent himself a Dear John letter? d:

Wait. That means dead Crichton won. OMGs, they killed the wrong one! :eek:

Not as inspiring as Capt. Renold’s speach, but there it is. :wink:

They tied. Both scissors…

There was no Peacekeeper to kill in front of them. He made due.

Oh. Never mind. The Phantom Crichton’s fingers were very faint. I thought he threw rock.

OK, Night guys see you at the Buffy Frak.