Farscape 3x07 Thanks for Sharing


“We leveled a Shadow Depository, and we’re about to turn your city into glow-in-the-dark sand.” :smiley:

I wonder what Jool uses that thingy for, off-hours.

Remember kids, red and blue make BOOM! :eek:

I would hate my clone also.

“You’re both perfect…”

Yeah, you can stop right there, Jool. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love this use of the clones. He’s not lying because he wasn’t there.

So You’re Locked In a Room With Your Clone: Fight or F#@k? :smiley:

Although, technically, he has been present at many, many explosions, so he did lie a bit…

I could never tell them apart. Is there a trick to figure that out and does it matter? There are the exact copy at least up until they split. Now they are separate.

Fight. For me.

“D’Argo, tell him who his daddy is!”
“I’m your daddy.” :smiley:

I think it’s obvious he’s lying. He didn’t have to die. Oh well. I guess the prop guys wanted to show the effect.


Yeah, that and “You can’t handle the…” before. Those will get dated if they aren’t now.

It’s not a good day until you’ve seen a guy stabbed in the forehead. :rolleyes:

Of course but their personalties change over time. Maybe I’m not making any sense.

This one wouldn’t matter. It’s funny because of the way D’Argo says it.

It’s vaguely rapey. :eek:

That was a great line.

This ending freaked me out first time I saw it. Frakkin sick.