Farscape 2X15 Won't Get Fooled Again - 11/27 @ 8 PM ET


What about it?

“That comes to $29.45.” :stuck_out_tongue:



Very significant plant as the series progresses.

Sweaty Crichton in wifebeater.

IBIMB :stuck_out_tongue:

I love Rygel in the bondage gear. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Officer Crais in red pumps! :smiley:

Rygel in leather. Good gawd!!

“She wants to watch.”
“Oh no.”
OH, YEAH.:smiley:

That’s cold using his mother like that.

Pilot on the wheels of steel!!

I bet that tongue thing inspired a lot of fan fiction. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops, too many Kelvos! :eek:

omg at the tongue trick…

He’s not half the Scarran he used to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

T2 death deja vu.

This episode has so many hilarious moments to choose from. Wow.

I have a vague memory. Oh well. I’ll see it again soon I guess.