Farscape 2X08 Dream A Little Dream - 10/30 @ 9 PM ET

Still bad for us now that I think about it more.

“You and me? Not lying? Are you mad?” :smiley:

Not familiar.

Part of OJ’s Dream Team.



That little mesh screen wouldn’t keep anyone quiet.

My guess it’s sort of a technological gag.

“So? My second wife had blue eyes. 15th and 23rd, too.” :smiley:

Weird seeing Dargo so light now.

I like how cheery Chiana got.

That is some lighter! :eek:

How helpful that Moya has super light powers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kiva BBQ? This episode directly follows the previous one.

That scene and the beginning were the ones reshot to make this a flashback. The rest was re-editted and the like.


The season two premiere was supposed to be the episode ‘Re:Union’. However, the episode would not have involved John, D’Argo or Aeryn, and it was determined that people would not want to wait another week to find out what happened to those characters. So the second episode, “Mind the Baby”, was aired first and “Re:Union” was retitled “Dream a little Dream” and also had bookend sequences made so the episode became a flashback.

Ah. I see.