Fantasy Sci-fi Voting FINAL Round - Dallas Dollhouse

I’m curious how the Ancient would have been defeated…

Bob: I told Bob that the season premier of Lost would answer everything. Now he’s stuck watching his TV in the galactic core.
Me: Ha, sucker.

Bwahaha! Sad, but true. 'Tis a fate worse than death.

no, god cares, why else would there be a PSA telling us to get our wives a pap smear for Christmas?

Team Thot and Team 'talos in Dallas Dollhouse

“You’re kiddin’, right?” Topher Brink stared at Sarek dumbfounded. Sarek just informed Team Thot of the latest iteration of the Solai effect.The Rossum Corporation imprinted Actives with the goal to seek out and destroy Fantasy Sci-fi teams. Topher scratched his head, “How is that even possible? Most of the team members are alien or robots. They’ve figured out how to imprint…”

Sarek interrupted, “It is apparent that they have. We must devise a plan to defeat them.”

Nomad floated into the fray offering a solution, “Sterilize.”

Topher pat the top of the robot, making a clinking sound, “Great suggestion. Not very creative, though. Don’t you think?” The robot remained silent. Topher sighed, “Yeah.” He picked up a piece of equipment, “I just so happen to have a remote wipe device. I call it The Disruptor.” His team members stared at him blankly. “No one gets that. I don’t know why.”

There was an explosion. Shaking off inebriation, Duncan burst into action, “Topher prepare the…the…”

Topher rolled his eyes, “Disruptor.”

Duncan continued, “Yes. The Disruptor.” Idaho revealed the knives from under his cloak. The door exploded and the first Active met Duncan blocking his foray. The Active smiled. Duncan admired her form and beauty. He shifted his weight and found his attack blocked again. The Active’s eyes twinkled and Duncan found recognition, “Hello, Duncan.”

The Active backed away and bowed, “At your service.”

Three Actives entered the room. One male tripped and stumbled, he mumbled to himself, “Sterilize. Sterilize.” One female had a regal air about her. The last Active was Victor. His hair was a mess and Topher recognized his counterpart immediately.

Topher prepared the Disruptor, aimed and fired. Nothing happened.

Victor grabbed his head. He then clutched his heart and gasped. He fell to the floor and threw his legs in the air. He turned and stared at Topher, “Too much?” Topher looked at his device perplexed. Victor raised his eyebrows and whistled threw his teeth. He pointed to his belt where an indistinct black box was attached. Topher looked at each of the Actives. They were all wearing a box. Victor stood and brushed himself off. “You see. I know what you know, Topher. I figured you would use The Disruptor,” Victor made quotes with his fingers, “So I created a device to block your signal. I call it The Blocker.” He smirked.

Topher felt his face making the same expression and shook his head. “How did you compensate for the?..The pathways for an alien brain are…”

Victor glowed, “I’d love to chat, Topher. Unfortunately, I have a job to do.” He turned to the Active bumping into the wall. “Nomad, time to do your job.” The Nomad Active did not respond but continued to bang its head against the wall. Victor looked at the Sarek Active. She simply raised an eyebrow staring into space. “As you can see, it’s not an exact science. We had a little trouble with the non-human imprints.” Victor shrugged and guffawed, “It appears we have reached a stand-off.”

Topher offered, “Re-group?”

Victor agreed, “Re-group.” He returned the way he came, “We’ll see you again. You know…when you least expect and all that stuff.” As he exited he added, “Perhaps I should do some sort of evil laugh or something. I’ll work on that,” and he was gone.

Topher sighed heavily, “Well, that was interesting.” He ran his hands through his hair.

Sarek suggested, “We need to think of something our counter-parts would never think we would do.”

“Huh? That’s just great, Sarek.”

“There is no need to get emotional, Mr. Brink.”

“No need to get emotional? Sarek, how do you suggest we think of something those guys won’t? Here, I got an idea. Let’s jump off the building. I bet they’re not thinking we’ll do that.”

“Perhaps, I could offer a suggestion.” The voice was even and familiar. Topher and Sarek turned to see Sarek’s son, Spock.

Sarek recovered first, “Son, it is agreeable to see you again.”

Spock returned, “And you as well, father.”

Kirk interjected, “I don’t mean to interrupt the family reunion but we have some work to do.”

Sarek asked, “What is your suggestion, son?”

Spock replied, “When we encountered our Actives we experienced a stalemate. We also realized that the Rossum Corporation could not imprint Daneel as an Active. His positronic brain has safeguards which…”

Topher interrupted, “Yeah. We saw that with Nomad.”

Spock continued, “So this gives us a bit of an advantage yet our Actives can still anticipate our every move. Since the Actives are imprinted with each team, suppose…”

“…our team fights your Actives and you fight our Actives.” Topher grinned.

Spock nodded, “Very astute.”

Topher threw his arm forward in Spock’s direction, “Finally, someone who matches my intellect.”

“Matches?” Spock raised an eyebrow.


Victor rubbed his hands together, “This is gonna be great. There’s no way he…me…I would think of this. Wait. Does that even make sense? Yeah. Yeah it does. Sort of.” He placed his hand on Alpha’s shoulder, “You are gonna be a big surprise.”

Alpha grinned wide, “I like surprises.”


To be continued…