Falling Skies 1x08 What Hides Beneath

When they cut open the skitter they found a harness inside it.

Have we seen in inside of a mech?

Thought I was caught up. Wasn’t. So maybe the harnessed kids turn into SKITTERS!

I wouldn’t doubt it. Totally a “The Fly” moment. All that we are missing is Jeff Goldblum.

Classic “The Commander Needs To Get It Together” conversation.

The way Doc was poking at Ben’s hardening skin, like it was turning into something else. Could be.

Yeah, they telegraphed that one early.

They’ve 'sploded them before. Wouldn’t they have mentioned it there were critters inside?

I love the mechs. They remind me of the ED-209. And that sound! Haunting. :eek:

I love how those glasses bring Captain Weaver back to the fight.

But why would they change into things with six legs?

I was hoping we’d see Karen again.

Good call.

You are right. But have they examined one to see how they are controlled?

It’s the same foot-against-the-ground sound no matter what terrain they are on. I hope they fix that next season.

Unless… the kids turned into mechs? :eek:

Why not? We’ve seen stranger things in scifi.

I meant that howling noise they make.

Nah… The kids turn into skitters. The Skitters turn into mechs. And then mechs turn into intergalactic hookers.

Oh, the servo-hydro noises?

i like the tall things. Way creepier than skitters.