Falling Skies 1x01 Live and Learn & 1x02 The Armory

He’s 40, and the kid is late teens, early 20s. I’d say it works.

And, I’m underwhelmed so far.

Yeah, this could be condensed, a lot. :frowning:

Just got back from Green Lantern. Looks like I missed more than I hoped I would.

Actual scenes of the invasion instead of crayon drawings might have helped.

You really haven’t…

I missed the first few minutes. I didn’t really expect to see a full-scale invasion on a TV budget though.

I don’t like how they are spoiling each segment before commercials…

History is also full of invading armies utterly annihilating less powerful forces, particularly annoying ones. :rolleyes:

Nice Red Sox reference. If nothing else, this series should have a loyal Bostonian following for awhile.

Then, there’s the Native Americans…

Is it wicked pissuh? :slight_smile:

Yeah, that worked out well for them. :frowning:

I’m almost proud I’ve yet to pick up the lingo.

Interesting choice to make Noah Wyle’s character a history professor, and I read somewhere that he’s supposed to have specialized in the American Revolution. Wonder how much or how strongly the show runners will try to draw connections.

Mechs should have better targeting.

They look like the offspring of Cylons and ED-209. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I wonder what it’s thinking.”
“Nothing now.” :smiley:

Alien: I was a week from retiring…

“I wonder what it’s thinking.”
“Nothing now.”

That’s cold.

Was he getting too old for this shit?

Not anymore.

Improper wishing caused an alien invasion? :eek: