Eureka 5x01 Lost

I like Martha, but multiple Marthas are intimidating.

Yea - not so much liking that.

I do like Martha’s facelift.

I hate dictator Andy.

Henry’s bunker is kinda cool.

Carter’s house isn’t the same without SARAH

So…any bets on who Carter is living with now?

It’s scary that he needs it.

I don’t think he is living with someone else. His devotion to the kids would have prevented romantic attachments.

Carter and Jo? Wow.

Ouch. Poor Allison…

You were saying? :smiley:

I’m really not liking the shake ups to start this season. It keeps getting darker and I don’t watch Eureka for dark.

Creepy doctor!

I’m glad Zane escaped.

There is not one moment of this show that I connect to so fat.

I definitely do not like this.

I want to Adama flash-light beat down Andy.

Me too. Everyone is too creepy…

I wonder if Parrish’s new attitude had a little outside help…perhaps involuntarily…