Eureka 4x14 Up in the Air

then he showed me his equipment. hehe

I like the programmable medicine balls. :stuck_out_tongue:

any antique physics equipment in those missing safe deposit boxes?

Me too. Hopefully, they’re building back up to that again.

1.21 megatons. :smiley:

“Grandma’s gold wedding band…her pearls…her antimatter”. :slight_smile: this is why I love this show…

I cannot wait for Fright Night! Looks awesome! :cool:

Why would they need an antimatter detector? Couldn’t they just follow the massive explosions? :slight_smile:

I do like how the show transitioned from GD being run by the accomplished and the distinguished to the young and the hormone-based decision machines.

Chroniton jump! They need more gravitons and graviolis.

Poor Jack. :o

Have we run out of shots from the promos yet? I feel like some of the best parts of this episode were spoiled by SyFy all week.

Perhaps made with osmium? Good call.

I really hate Beverly. I can’t look at Allison Blake without wanting to shove an active grenade down Beverly’s throat.

Agree 100%

“I didn’t know you were going to turn it on. Sorry.” :smiley:

Poor Allison - she needs to get some help and quick!

I honestly don’t know who the bigger douchebag is. Kai Winn or Beverly Barlowe.

I loved the whistling tune when everything starts floating! Bringing it back! Eureka season 1.

Kai Winn sold out to the Pagh Wraiths and Gul Dukat. Hard to top that.