Eureka 3x09 Welcome Back Carter

Why does my memory only kick this much sorrybarb about stuff that at the end of the day doesn’t really matter Lawl

God - like I can remember that far back!

Let’s all order snuggies!

Yeah, it actually sounded like a direct quote from the show – that they haven’t done yet. Maybe…

A witch! A witch! :eek:

That will turn out well, I’m sure. :smiley:

At least they get to keep the sweet house

I have a slanket, it RULEZ

The Z is for emphasis

Yea - for now!

Quarter that the Cylon is causing the problems to show off

Robocop AND Terminator reference in 2 minutes, I knew I loved this show for a reason

I think hes actually going to go and start enforcing all laws down to the letter. with a VENGEANCE!!

Oh nice. Quarter?

I love Sarah. I want Sarah!

sure…sounds good

Would S.A.R.A.H make me leave the house cause I totally wouldn’t if I had a S.A.R.A.H

Wow that ladys got wood…:eek:

Not just her =D

That has to hurt…

“I’m on top of it” Moar like under it, M I Rite?!

Well. Robosheriff is just beside himself now isn’t he…

Wow. That is just so bad, I don’t know what to say. :slight_smile: