New rendition of Adama/Roslin music–interesting…
Vote was they don’t allow Cylons on board ships without the ships captain and crews permision
She gone loco!
So, we’re all pretty sure that Gaeta is now spewing angry anti-cylon positions, because he just came back from the barbeque raptor?
What’s with Eddie brushing his teeth?
“I can’t get clean. I can’t get clean.”
What’s wrong with Adama? He’s brushed his teeth how many times today? And taken how many pills? And Roslin has pretty much lost it?
Adama should be the poster boy for American Dental Association.
Rosylin is going off the deep end.
You know it happened. You don’t stab somebody with a pen without some serious betrayal.
Adama/Roslin schism…man…this season is gonna be so frakked
I love how they are showing…everything is public.
Know what’s funny about Adama brushin his toofers constantly? His bottom teeth are totally frakked up. Sorry EJO but it’s true
I can’t stand Roslin anymore.
Whoa, Roslin is giving up the presidency! That’s quite a change.
Oh, they’re gonna break my heart again.
“Been there, done that. Now what?” Frakking cool!
What the frak…she can’t do that in public. That’s like…oh god Zarek oh frak. Oh hey it’s Baltar!
holy crap everyone is drinking even baltar… drink and smoke in hand.
What the frak! Lee has crappy hair and Baltar looks good? FRAK!!!
These sermons seems like Nigel from Spinal Tap giving a sermon with tiny bread and all.