The old man’s face was priceless.
They did in 1981.
Lol. You’re gonna be on the whole movie aren’t you? d:
C’mon! Scream! Scream like Fay Wray!!
They did a good job on her wrists.
Hrm. Dragons are horrible cooks. They burn everything.
That was a perfectly good virgin. Ruined.
She’s not a man, baby!! /Austin
Lol. Not quite, but a decent go.
That claw looks reasonably good.
The rest of the body shows the movie’s age.
Tyrian has a great voice. So wicked and evil, perfect villain.
Yeah. ILM worked on the visual effects.
He just walked right in there.
You ever seen a dragon before sonny?
This scene is reminding me of Luke going into the forest in Empire.
cough cough
I doubt that’s helium…
But the good stuff isn’t until later… This was the first film to use ‘Go-Motion’, which they invented. It is like stop motion, except they use electric motors to blur the puppets during certain frames of the animation. It gives the subject a more realistic appearance. It was used in ET when the kids were flying and pedaling their bikes.
Um, kid.
You’ve been watching Emeril too much. You took it up too many notches.
I’ve almost completely forgotten the movie. I knew she was a woman, but I’m vague on other details.
Heh. No kidding.
Ooooh pretty…
Riiiight he’s a sorcerer.
He does the weird stuff.
They keep using the same peice of music over and over… It is a little annoying, and way over the top.
It is fine for the final battle but not for every little thing,… erg.:rolleyes:
“Isn’t odd that when the mountain is brought down a holy man is in the village?”
Um, wait? Didn’t y’all bring him here?