Dollhouse 1x11 Briar Rose and 1x12 Omega

Consensual slavery is, um, employment.

Most everyone does it.

So, do you want to start at 9PM for teh next episode or earlier or later?

I agree with that statement… Only freelancers and business owners are “Truely” free… :wink:

Yep, did NOT see that coming. :eek:

Back in 10! :slight_smile:

Let’s start at 9. I’m going to make a snack.

I’m trying to be good… see you at 9.

Starting now…

And watching Alpha going crazy… And he picked a crazy girl to put in Echo? Alpha really is over the edge. :smiley:

And the reveal of Whisky… THat threw me the first time. :slight_smile:

Yeah, blew my mind.

“He broke out of here, and so will I.”
“Alpha’s a genius.”

It goes without saying that she thinks you’re an idiot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice bedside manner there, Doc.

Doll Whiskey sounds like Fred. :frowning:

Oops. Man-Reaction. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like the Alpha kiss on Echo, and “Watch your step.” :slight_smile:

He’s like Soylent Green. He’s made of people." :slight_smile:

“She said that I would be taken care of. That I would be safe.”
“Do you feel safe?” :eek:

It’s always a love story. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I was making art!”

One thing I have learned, if you are going to hit someone with a pipe, don’t stop, don’t chat, keep using the pipe.

Just saying…