Dollhouse 1x01 Ghost

It is, although I don’t really like the hair. Very not-Fred. :frowning:

that guy kinda looks like Eli Stone

Helo is the conscience on this show, also.

Helo can out box in this show as well!

The boxing looks like a metaphor for the discussion Helo had with his boss.

Paul backing off, not likely.

So that’s the Madame of the House?

ohhh Sexy glasses.

Not sure I get the Helo arguing and boxing montage thing.

Yeah. A little different spin on that. Usually they do that with music.

Joss giving a shout-out to EJO!!

An EJO reference! :smiley:

wow is that a BSG shout out or what

Now they are name dropping.

Fatherly, like Edward James Olmos. :smiley:

That was what it sounded like.

Good thing they chose her over EJO.

It woulda went down differently

EJO: I don’t negotiate with terrorist
Manuel: I have the girl.
EJO: And I’m gonna kill you.



Amy Acker’s character has scars on her face.

That angers me. :mad:

Tahmoh plays a good drunk.

“You heard him not blink?”

Very Joss. :stuck_out_tongue: