Doctor Who - Silence in the Library (Watch the episode before reading this thread)

It’s surprising how rarely that ever comes up in conversation. By the time you do find out, it’s usually too late. :slight_smile:

'Tis a harsh world out there for single girls.

Donna is slowly becoming my favorite companion.

I am enjoying Donna as a companion as well. Its nice to see the Doctor interacting with a companion who isn’t mooning over him. I had heard comparisons with her and Teegan (the 5th Doctor’s companion (and 4th for one story)). I can see the similarities, though I generally disliked Teegan.

I’m glad that they didn’t have some odd “reset” button on Donna’s character and send her back as the moaning b***h from the Christmas special. I had my head in my hands when I heard she was coming back, but they have done a fantastic job of it.

Close, but not quite. Just take the “un” out of [/unquote], and it’ll work fine. :slight_smile:

I am enjoying Donna as a companion as well. Its nice to see the Doctor interacting with a companion who isn’t mooning over him. I had heard comparisons with her and Teegan (the 5th Doctor’s companion (and 4th for one story)). I can see the similarities, though I generally disliked Teegan.

I could see the comparison, but yeah, Teegan bugged me. She was sort of shrewish and never seemed to have any respect for the Doctor, despite watching him save the universe and her personally on several occasions.

I’m glad that they didn’t have some odd “reset” button on Donna’s character and send her back as the moaning b***h from the Christmas special. I had my head in my hands when I heard she was coming back, but they have done a fantastic job of it.

Agreed 100%. The Doctor’s been good for her. She’s much better adjusted now. And vice versa, as well. The Doctor has benefited from having a companion who’s not fawning over him constantly (I don’t buy that he never noticed how Martha looked at him, unrequited though feelings might have been).

Close, but not quite. Just take the “un” out of [/unquote], and it’ll work fine. :slight_smile:

I do better? Ya, ya?

Much better. :smiley:

hey, can i ask how i could listen to the podcast for that episode? i went to the bbc website, but it wouldn’t let me listen to the commentary because i’m not in the uk.

Yes, you may. :slight_smile:

i went to the bbc website, but it wouldn’t let me listen to the commentary because i’m not in the uk.

It’s available on iTunes, but as far as I can figure out, only the most recent episode is on there at any given time. By “most recent”, I mean the last one to air in the UK. If you’re looking for the one that just aired in the US, you’re out of luck. :frowning:

I haven’t looked, but I’m sure they’re also available by other means. :rolleyes:

yeah. that’s what i’m having problems with. they only let me dload the most recent podcast on itunes, which is fine, since i have watched it, but i want the old podcasts (even ones from last season)too! SOY annoying.

Are the podcasts the same as the DVD commentaries? Does anyone know?

I was looking for a way around listening to the commentaries on the BBC site (which obviously we in the US cannot) and if you subscribe through the RSS feed it’s the same as iTunes. Only the most recent is available. All the old ones appear in a list but the actual .mp3 file is no longer there. Such a bummer. Maybe SOMEONE (eh hem) will email the files they have stored on their hard drive. I watch on US schedule so I’ve just watched Silence in the Library and I downloaded Left Turn on iTunes so I have it when the time comes.

[grumble, grumble]Frakkin’ BBC and their weird way of handling the commentaries![/grumble, grumble]

There was a big broohaha over the commentaries out of the BBC. For awhile they were stream only and only for the most recently aired. It has to do with the licencing. The BBC is only allowed to put audio content on the web that has been on the radio. After much screaming by fans, the BBC stated airing the commentaries on the radio late at night (BBC7 I think) and started uploading, but their licence limits how long it can be up.

I check for the commentaries regularly so have not been caught out. However, before I figured out this odd set up, I was out a the first few episodes and had to get them by other means so they are out there. Since they are audio they down load in a flash. Anyone who knows how to download should be able to find them since I did and I can barely turn the computer on.

There are different commentaries on the DVD’s. The last DVD to the US had the old commentaries on it so the BBC had to release the DVD only commentaries via some other method, not sure. I think people who oned the DVD’s could down load them commentaries, though perhaps any one can. Havn’t looked into it.

edit: oh, and I just discovered some of them on YouTube, oddly enough. Along with “The Big Question” stuff from the web site.

I thought you could get them for free on the bbc 7 stie

Looks like they only have the most recent episode up. :frowning:

Doctor Who: The Commentaries

i actually emailed bbc about it, and they said that they only keep each podcast up for seven days, before they replace it with a new one. so yeah, i have no idea how i could ever get my hands on the old ones now. bummer.

I’m attempting to get them by “other” means and have found a couple, but not all of them. I’ll just keep looking.