Doctor Who 7x01 Asylum of the Daleks

Rory finally used the 2,000 years card.

I hate when I’m right.

Wow. Did not see that one coming.

I expected a better explosion.

Yep Moffat is doing a total reboot. Love it.

I love this show.

I thought Oswin was partially converted somehow, but wow.

“Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!”

Next week looks interesting.

I have to get up real early tomorrow. Talk to all of you later.

Only the Cybermen, and 20 other enemies to go. (:

Take care all!

2 q’s One who here is on G+? the other is do you have a web cam. I’d be willing to host a Google hangout on Saturday’s for the show. Next week may be a no go for me though (have a dinner I have to attend). Otherwise i’d love to do this with vid com with all. Lets see if we can make this happen.

Frak parties takes a lot of my attention from the show. A G+ Hangout will make me unable to watch. (:

Just saw the episode. Pretty good, though I missed anything between this and the last episode of season 6, so some things threw me for a loop.

The episode started a bit dodgy, I hate it when main characters (who are supposed to be superintelligent) don’t see the OBVIOUS answer and have to ask a prompting question for dramatic effect. “Who’s the Predator?” Really? REALLY? You can’t take a guess?

Though Moffat won me back with the Milk thing. I was going down a totally different line with that and the actual answer was both simpler and more elegant, and more importantly I didn’t get it.

But I think they dropped the ball on the whole “eggs” thing. I think if Rory hadn’t set it up, it would have had a much more dramatic effect when Red Dress did it at the end. But maybe that’s just me.

Have to say I did thoroughly enjoy the episode. That being said, Moffat I hope did not paint himself into a corner. For that part I’ll put in spoilers.

[SPOILER]We get to see what had happened to poor Oswin. Thing is this though. Oswin through out the episode does not know the Doctor. That’s all well and good as far as the episode is done for. The problem we have is that Oswin will be the Doctor’s new companion once we lose the Ponds. Not once are we given a hint that Oswin knows who the Doctor is. This is kind of a reworking of the River Song story. (See at end at beginning). First it kinda put a pall on all the up coming episodes since we know her fate. The other being that If and this is the BIG IF this is Oswin how does she not know the Doctor. I know this will be explained I just hope they do it right.[/SPOILER]

Anywho still a great start. Bring on the rest.