Doctor Who 6x09 Night Terrors

Feels like a Halloween episode or something.

You wouldn’t be the only one.

Do we need to ask if Rory likes gladiator movies?

I think it grew too much. d:

Can’t sleep… clown will eat me…

He’s the last freaking centurion. d:

You magnificent bastard.

He’s a nurse, so he’s probably seen a grown man naked. I wonder if he’s ever been in a Turkish prison.

You’re not helping. d:

Rubick’s cube and we’re back.

The Emperor Dalek’s New Clothes? LOL!

“When I was your age, about, oh, a thousand years ago…” :smiley:

Yes, back sorry.

Something has just occurred to me. Where is George’s mother? We saw her earlier…

Yay for knock-off Optimus Prime!

Taken like the old lady?

“Off the scale.”

not good.

Excellent call on the dollhouse scenario.

“Got any jammy dodgers?”

commercial. and a wikipedia search.

I’m freaked out now cause the Doctor and the sonic are freaking out…

Do we think that Amy and Rory have somehow ended up in the cupboard?

Also, I’m starting to like Alex with his dumbfounded face at the Doctor’s speech.