Doctor Who 5x11 The Lodger

Unexpected Doctor behind the couch!

The Doctor does seem to pop up in odd places.

Craig and Sophie are so awkwardly clueless. I think it is funny that the Doctor sees what is going on between them better than they do. Usually he is a bit oblivious to that sort of thing.

Wow. Not only can the Doctor cook, but he makes Craig tea and does some real doctoring by caring for him when he is sick.

Wow, hitting heads to learn from each other. Seems rather painful way to share knowledge.

When the Doctor gave Craig the head bump of knowledge, did he call himself Eleventh? I can’t remember the last time he refered to himself that way, by the ordinal numeral.

Did the Doctor just make a Voyager reference???

I do not remember him doing it at all. Maybe when one of the old Doctors when he was asked but not like a name. I missed it this time.

I have enjoyed chatting with you. I hope to do it again.


It is in like every episode isn’t it?

Yes it is in everyone. All the bad guys at once next week it seems.

It was an awesome episode. There is just the two part finale left to air now.

I like how this episode let us get to know Matt Smith’s Doctor better. Cooking and football and match making and talking to cats.

It was real quick. He didn’t really use it as a name. He just sort pointed to his face and said “Eleventh”, like “This is the eleventh face.”