Doctor Who 5x03 Victory of the Daleks

Hi fellow Floridian. Is it as hot up there as down here? We are in the 90s.

Its in the 80’s to high 80’s. Stiill getting into the 60s low 70’s at night. Its been nice

Did anyone think the first time that the soldier was the one turning on the light, not the one trying to turn it off?

They are all in nice pretty colors now. :slight_smile:

I wonder if the table with the corners cut off is a tribute to BSG?

It was a cookie.

It’s a Jaffa Cake! Om nom nom!

Whoops, nope! Jammie Dodger!

I love the fighters in space!

Tell me when I’m caught up… Dr is talking to DannyBoy

yea me too. Reminds me of New Hope

Doctor Just told Danny Boy to head home

There isn’t a bone in your body… LOL!

Would you like one?


Ok, Doctor just punched Professor… Am I close to caught up?

Dorabella! snort

Commercial break?

Don’t you just hate them.

Where are you guys?

I love how the Doctor deals with the Professor! “Don’t even go off and try to find Dorrabella!”

Amy Pond is my new favorite companion.