Cowboy Bebop the Movie May 21st 6PM EST

I wouldn’t want an unpredictable element like her on my FSL team unfortunately.

Dont lay a hand on him.

How about a foot? :smiley:


Double ow!

Nasty strike…

That’s a ugly derailment.

I have this soundtrack. I somehow forgot Ed was singing this song.

Those are some nasty Macadamia Nuts…

That grenade lighter has a big ass flame.

I like this song too. Can’t hear it to well over the dialogue though.

I really like this woman, even if she could kick my ass…

So much for the rest of his money…

Happy Halloween!

He really reminds me of Ichigo’s sword.

Nice vintage aircraft…

Lol @ the museum pieces exploding.

This dogfight is sure causing a Hell of alotta collatreal damage! :eek:

Samurai outfit looks like the one from Program in Animatrix. MadHouse did this right?

Spike looks like he wants a rematch! :smiley:

Product placement… Did you spot the BONES T shirt? :smiley:

Lol. No.

This was better than I remember it being. But, I was prolly biased the first time because I thought Trigun was the better series, and I didn’t like that Bebop was more popular.