Conan the Barbarian 4/16 @ 10 PM ET

Awww. He did have a wonderful voice. I have not seen Samurai Jack.

This is my favorite music, maybe it’s the orgy.

Remember the witch (or whatever she was) that he had sex with? She said he was destined to be king. That can’t be accomplished with Thulsa Doom around.

Did I miss the camel punching scene?

This chick is graceful.

Orgy crashers.

Oh SNAP!! She just hit her with the decapitated head.

I cannot believe that guy didn’t work out. Probably not a professional like Arnie, but he’s had to have worked out.

She is no damsel in distress.

I’m not sure they’re supposed to be cannibals. Yes, they’re eating people, but this cult is probably (at least in part) serpent men. They’re some kind of offshoot of humanity — possibly the children of Set. They have the ability to take human form, like Thulsa Doom. They were classic villains in Conan stories, both in the books and the comics. Notice how the one woman hissed at Valeria?

That was early, not long after he met Subotai.

Milnus and Arnie were talking about how Valeria really hurt some of those stunt guys. Arnie said Grace Jones was the worst. She hurt more people than anybody.

I’m sure he didn’t “work out” per se, but he probably worked hard on a farm or construction of some sort. You know, real work, unlike what most of us do. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love this bit with the snake-arrow. Just awesome.

It’s what Milnus said.

That was early, not long after he met Subotai.

Craaap. I missed it.

Arnie asked why they couldn’t bring her back like they did Conan earlier. Milnus said the snake is powerful magic.

That fire is impressive.

Arnie hurt his knee and had a tough time during this scene climbing the hill. He feel off one of the horses.

Milnus is talking about how Conan doesn’t say much yet you know what he is thinking.

This scene about Conan talking of his past, Milnus said he took it from Ahab in Moby Dick. Conan is not all about revenge, it is deeper than that. He is thinking about what got him to this place.

That’s just me being pedantic. Cannibalism isn’t just eating people, as most people use the term. It’s specifically eating your own kind. If they’re not human, they’re not cannibals. QED. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there was an implied price of a life for life. Bringing her back would cost another life, methinks.

“If the gods are not going to help, then tell them to stay out of the way.”

That’s great.