Clear Skies 7/24 @ 10 PM ET

The transit effects are awesome.

I stopped at the fourth because I started to loose interest in the story. Something started feeling off about it, although I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly. The first three books were really good though.

I’ve heard other people say the same. I’ve read several series that had progressively diminishing returns. :frowning:

Is this how it is in the game itself? I haven’t been involved in any MMPOG games but this one looks interesting enough that I might try it.

The movement of the characters’ shoulders is unsettling. It’s just somewhat… off.

It’s intersting on how much time they are spending talking about some of the details. It’s like the exposition dialog in a regular TV show. THe regular characters wouldn’t talk like that except they have to tell the audience what’s going on.

The shaky space camera bothers me a little more than the shoulders, but I get what you are saying.

No idea. 2D arcade games are my speed. :slight_smile:

They upset him. You could tell because of the way he shot torpedoes at them. LMsBO :smiley:

FYI, I have seen this episode but I haven’t seen Episode 2 yet.
The show does remind me of Star Trek, the weapons are as powerful as the plot needs. :wink:

What does it say about us that we have prerecorded distress calls?

The decor in that ship sucks. The room that Mr. Smith is in looks like a really bad hotel room from the 60’s.

First time for both for me.

The show does remind me of Star Trek, the weapons are as powerful as the plot needs. :wink:

As long as no polarity needs reversing, I’m OK with that. :slight_smile:

If they do reverse the polarity, I’ll loose all respect for this show. :smiley:

This captain’s confidence doesn’t match any abilities that he has shown so far. :wink:

Did I miss something? What makes these missiles “exotic”?

Fly safe … once people have stopped hurrling missiles at you.

It was in the beginning, the gunner said they were more powerful, but the target had to be stationary.

Bear’s music is playing right now.

Mr. Smith looks like a vampire. I approve. :slight_smile:

He’s the Mr. Smith character from Half Life.