Clear Skies 3 7/20 @ 8 PM ET

Oh. Leading up to the kick-arse space battle.

Wormhole travel sickness bit or them having to find the other exit?

The pacing was all wrong and there wasn’t an effective scene just a bunch of shifts between scenes and quick dialogue. Very confusing.

I have no idea why that’s a distinction.

“Sasha’s angry. Bring everything.”


“Charlie, bring guns.”
“Ooh! Which ones am I allowed?”
“Sasha’s angry. Bring everything.” :smiley:

“The door’s locked.”
“Yes, it seems like my captors thought of everything.” :smiley:

The bomb says Plan B. :smiley:

“This is a shaped charge.”
“What shape?”
“Spherical.” :smiley:

Big jpg file warning. The big ship is the Wyvern. Grey ship on center left.

Sleeper ships are at the bottom. For reference, a Minmatar Rifter (below the Leviathan) is roughly the size of a 747. There’s an Eiffel Tower at the bottom left for reference too.

“Don’t worry it’s a shaped charged.”
“What shape?”


What’s Quafe?

“There’s no need for violence.”

OK. In that case, we’ll be going. Bye now.

“Otherworld Mining.”


I just caught that in the background.

I only get that because of listening to the 'cast.

Homeworld organized fleets in 3d space. It’s near impossible to organize fleet formation in EVE.

A soda and a soda conglomerate. EVE’s version of Coca-cola and Pepsi Cola drinks/company.

Apparently there is a need for violence. :eek:

Lacerations? From a gunshot?

Love the suitcase machine gun. I wonder if Ian watches Black Lagoon. d:

Oh no!! They’ve shot JR!!

I must have missed it. Explain.

Ah, I see. Sort of. :slight_smile:

A soda and a soda conglomerate. EVE’s version of Coca-cola and Pepsi Cola drinks/company.

It sort of looked like a bleach bottle. :stuck_out_tongue: