Clear Skies 3 7/20 @ 8 PM ET

Speaking of U2.


Yep. I’ve not seen this. Didn’t want to FF’d

Ah, ok then…

Love the MS Paint job for the wormhole explanation.

“Stay there, I’m on my way.”

Not. A. Good. Plan.

Love the spoiler about Fodder. d:

Did they just 'sploded? :eek:

“…or the sacrifice of one.”

Oh. Not cool, Smith. Not cool.

Yeah, I wonder if that’s intentional given the soundtrack.

How far along are you? I’ve seen this already so I’ll back up.

Love the rescue and the boom.

Alright. I’ll back up too. Time stamp?

Part 2 on Youtube 3:00 in.

I’ll need a scene description then.

Crap. I’m on the D/L. What just happened?

Just past the musical montage of the main character’s depression.

They are doing the Enterprise fly-by moment.

If my math is correct…I’m at 18:30 on the total of the video.

Sol still giving his extended explanation?

It’s the sofa moment!!

This has a little Douglas Adams humor, especially the sofa part.

I don’t know the characters.

There is a battle.

ETA: Oh Flashback.