Clear Skies 3 7/20 @ 8 PM ET

Did the picture helped for scale?

Edit: Btw, is one of Chribba’s (Otherworld Mining) sites.

I would have assumed that they were from Jupiter.


Some of them are really V’ger big.

No, just a name. Or maybe their ancestors were Jupiter colonists before going through the EVE gate. EVE is based in another galaxy far, far away in the future. EVE races ancestors found the EVE gate (super wormmhole) went through expecting it to stay stable, then got cut off. Most races went through a dark age period before heading into space again. The Jovians never had a dark ages.

I was just reading this. Interesting stuff.

Btw, EVE just launched walking in stations in June, so characters look and move better than they do in the HL engine. But, the walking in stations part of EVE is very graphic intensive to the point of melting PC hardware in some cases… ):

The ships in space part is still ok. d:

That could have saved me some typing. d:

Like I said, closer to Asgardians.

EVE has a very rich lore. Would take me months to get through it all if I wanted to start from scratch.

Edit: Jovians are basically the Dues Ex Machina of EVE though. Can’t explain something logically? Blame it on the Jovians. d:

Not in CS3’s case though.

Since I’ve seen the beginning 3 times, I’m restarting from the middle to see things I missed while typing.

I see the bleach bottle likeness.

Quafe Ultra is the new energy drink from the Quafe Company, the largest manufacturer of soft drinks in the universe. A delightful promuform-and-guarana mix with just a hint of mango and a dash of passion fruit, this party-in-a-can will give you all the energy you can handle and then some!
Not recommended for children under 5 and people with high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes or epilepsy. Quafe accepts no responsibility for injuries inflicted under the influence of Quafe Ultra.
Trademark, Copyright and all rights reserved by The Quafe Company Ltd.

Interesting background about the company.

I missed the “gaffer tape” line. (:

“Misused by humans” is an interesting line.

Jovian ship looks sweet.

Fleet battles are awesome. Loved how the wall display went from 100% to 96% during the camera shake. d:

Wow, that supercarrier really did go up beautifully I’m sad to say.

“Surprise. No kill bonus for you.” I thought he said “no kill mail” without the subtitles. Kill bonus is a reference I don’t recognize.

Love the fleet jumping in and the Leviathan (Titan class, biggest ship class in EVE) jumping in with a more emphasized “boom!”

“Ding! Dong!” Charlie is having fun. (:

“We can tank them, just don’t get hit by anything big.”
gets hit by something big
Background screen says “Code Yellow It’s time to start running”
“What did I just say?!”

Love that scene.

“Full left roll.” If only we could do a maneuver like that in game. Unfortunately, the beams would have hit anyway. And, even if they had missed, they wouldn’t hit another target by accident (though they should).

Looked freaking cool though!

Omg!! He rerouted 1.21 gigawatts! We missed that!! lol!

“404 Navigation not found” Lol. Ian hit on all cylinders. Hilarious.

Hand to hand scene is quite well done. Can’t wait to see it redone in Incarna. d:

Bob crashed and burned once it finished loading the spare ammo. ):

I dunno how Ian got the game to swerve a single cannon like that for him.

Lol at the blood splatter on the floor, ceiling, and wall. Didn’t catch that before.

Lol! I missed that before. Motion captioning that must have been fun. d:

Wow, the turret is smoking which I’m not sure makes sense in space. But, considering how the rest of the ship is smoldering I’ll forgive it. d:

Sascha appeared from out of no where during the “This is it” scene.

Clear Skies shutting down reminds me of the end of B5. Moreso than the battle scenes.

The last scene of them looking into space reminds me of the end of Empire Strikes Back. JR has his arm around her and everything.

Wow, this had a lot of music.

So Ian, when should we expect the special edition with Incarna graphics? d:

Thanks for making a wonderful series, Ian.

Clear Skies 3 - The Bucket (outtakes) (NSFW)


It’s like a sad goodbye since they won’t be making any more Clear Skies, but at least it was funny as [BEEEEEEEEEEEP}!

Thanks for posting!

~Shooter out