Chuck 4x22 Chuck Versus Agent X

“You gonna fix my son?”

Uh-oh. That implies he’s “broken”. :eek:

Huh (maybe it’s subregional? being from the Midwest and all)

Huh whut with the accents?

I like Mama Tuttle

OK, I love her. She needs to be in every episode. :smiley:

Casey is impressed. d:

The old lady’s gonna send Casey to his bunk. :stuck_out_tongue:

“The mother I never had”
seriously lol


That is my favorite line of tonight and one of my favorite supporting character in a while!

“You want babies, and you use women to make them!”

Um, is there another way? :rolleyes:

Who let Jeff drive?

That’s a very long song if it requires a montage. :stuck_out_tongue:

That was not entirely unexpected.

Nice call, whoever called Agent X as Volkoff

A scientist who didn’t want to use guns? Oh. :frowning:

It was pretty great. Though I started thinking it was Volkoff after the old English lady. So Volkoff is afraid of himself? I guess Vivian would have no problem getting rid of agent X then…