Chuck 4x15 Chuck Versus the Cat Squad

C’mon Carina, fix this. :mad:

next week looks fun!

Charlie’s voice sounds like the same Charlie.

So much fun, poor Morgan, now he knows how Chuck felt like the first coupes of seasons though.

I love the Chuck and Sarah resolution at the end. And I really like how realistic they’ve made Sarah. That she is such a strong, intelligent, skilled person, but she has her insecurities. And when she feels those insecurities about to be exposed, she really just flips out. But when she calmed down, she’s able to recognize what others were trying to do for her.

Chuck is always getting beat up by girls though. I thought that’s Morgan’s specialty.

It’s Rio! Most likely Carnival time. There are only clad girls during this time of year! :smiley: Not that I’ve anything against it.

And good night. 3am really should get me to sleep.