Chuck 4x12 Chuck Versus the Gobbler

Thanks for all the help, Morgan. :rolleyes:

I was about to drop an IYKWIM, but you beat me to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Last time I pointed at him, he did this! Swallowed 'em whole!” :eek:

Is Chuck going to survive prison?

With Yuri holding that chair, I half expected Chuck to flash on pro wrestling :stuck_out_tongue:

Is prison going to survive Chuck?

Yes, it will…

“Top Dog!”

Woohoo! Now Chuck gets his choice of prison bitches! :smiley:

Going to write fan fiction after this episode? d:

“What are you looking at?” Love Badass Sarah.

Or is Sara top dog now? :smiley:

“A giant brunette shemale snuck up on me!”


You’re hosed Devon. :slight_smile:

Awesome hates the name and hired the Buy More guys to talk her out of it?

Yep - with Chuck’s help.

Wouldn’t the prison have inspected his false eye?

Naturally Sarah finds out in two weeks things Mary didn’t in 20 years.

Looked too real to be suspect.

Obviously. She immediately chose her prison bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

They never look all that real. Any doctor would spot it as a fake immediately.

Volkoff is delightfully twisted. Of course, faking Casey’s death would have been way too easy if it was just Mary up there with them.