Chuck 4x05 Chuck Versus the Couch Lock

name, morgan, expertise none hehe

Morgan died!

Zombie! :eek:

“Name: Morgan
Expertise: None”

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well, does that take care of Casey’s threat to kill him?

So - will Alex forgive Morgan?

Technically, yes.

Maybe with her father’s encouragement.

That’ll be a weird scene. :slight_smile:

“we do installs like that twice a week”

Wow, Lester. Things I didn’t need to know.

I was imagining something similar.

Oh I’m glad we didn’t have to see the Casey with Alex scene lol

Aw. Casey’s a big ol’ softy. :o

Yea Morgan!!!


Though… what is Alex wearing. ugh.

“You break her heart, I break your everything.” :smiley:

“You break her heart, I break your everything.” :smiley:

you break her heart, I’ll break your everything.

Admirable sentiment, Casey. Most admirable :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah. Seriously.

Tragic. :frowning:

“You break her heart, I break your everything.”

Don’t all dads say that to their daughter’s dates? :slight_smile:

“Hello, Chuck. It’s your mother.” :eek:
