Chuck 4x03 Chuck Versus the Cubic Z

Chasing the ring is reminding me of the beginning of Temple of Doom.

Big Mike, taking charge! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike. Always puttin’ in teh perspective.

I want me one of those!!!

Heh. That was worth it.

Can’t argue. Disney is fun.

LOL at Big Mike saving the day in both the Buy More and spy plots. Now where did the ring go? Down one of the trapdoors?

A Steve Austin?

Please tell me Big Mike is back to stay.

We’d rather have a Greta…

Hell no - one of those zappers!

Still rather have a Greta. d:

Well, I’d prefer a Sarah, but I’d settle for a Greta Glau in a pinch :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Morgan is Sauron! :eek:

In the hands of Smeagol.

Speak for yourself. :rolleyes:

Can you buy those at the local BuyMore?

Poor little Roomba.

So begins the revolution. :eek:

Did those guys have to be so rough with Heather? Luckily she didn’t snap.

Heh, Big Mike uses the same tone of voice for saying something profound like that as he uses for blatant Subway ads. :smiley: