“…a freakish bubble of handsomeness…”
“…a freakish bubble of handsomeness…”
in a bubble… lol
Morgan’s gonna save Shaw from the bad guys?
That seems very unlikely.
ETA: Well, apparently he did. After a fashion.
“I’ve been tased.”
“Bring a change of pants!”
“Next time, take out the guy with the gun.”
Hi all, I am late again…
Ok - done w/ my sour cream enchiladas. Now I can pay attention!
Working? It’s been funny so far!
It is always great. DVR first half will have to save me.
“…now that we’ve all been privy to your public indecency problem.”
Love Casey’s face.
Me too…:eek:
Sarah is just getting screwed all over!
Tell him Sis!
“You’re a Bartowski. Start acting like one.”
Aww, Ima cry.
Oh, dude, that sucks. Now’s he’s rebound guy.
I just see Clark Kent every time I look at him.
Me too! 'Cmon Chuck - saddle up.
“A Picasso of creepiness”
Oh God, those 2 idiots are gonna get killed.