Chuck 2x16 Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon

You know, if they’re gonna keep putting Chuck in these circumstances, why don’t they train him?

Well, there goes the funny crippled geek chase scene I was looking forward to.

I’m limited to the following (in best to worst order)

Papa Murphey’s
Pizza Hut
Pizza Ranch

We select #1 98% of the time. The rest are in a 4-way tie for craaaaaaaaaaap.

Should look up that guy on imdb and see how many times he buys it.

Security guard in ‘24’ - one episode
Sentry in ‘Rome’ - one episode
Other in ‘Lost’ - one episode
SWAT team member in ‘Heroes’ - one episode

Mucinex DM. Little green booger dude. I wonder why Immodium AD doesn’t have a cute animated little - wait, never mind.

Top men are working on it.

Top men.

Bah. Last minute, if even that early.

Don’t get too used to that. The “limited commercial interruption” experiment apparently isn’t attracting the advertising money that they were anticipating.

I can hear my grandmother rolling over in her grave every time that ad plays.

I’m glad that that I live in an area with some great family pizza places. I never have to go to any chain places.

“Oh yea - and woman” That’s what always happens.

Is it just me, or are your entendres doubling? :stuck_out_tongue:

Christ. I think the stomach flu messed with my brain. Just a little slow on the uptake tonight…

Those scars look real. Good make-up job.

Cole is smoking hot, but still doesn’t measure up to Chuck. Geek FTW!

Yea! She loves Chuck!!!

People who make-out in public are gross.

To each his own.

Chuck’s got his own Charlie Crews wall! And it’s much better hidden too.

Depends how hot they are. :smiley:

Two week wait for the next Chuck. How about that neat chart that Chuck made up.

No matter. I always say, “Get a room.”

That chart was awesome. Chuck is full of surprises.