Chuck 2x13 Chuck Versus the Best Friend

So who are we thinking are going to play Chuck’s parents?

“You want me to talk to her? We have a rapport!”

Not that I’m complaining, but does Awesome even own a shirt? :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than his scrubs? Let’s hope not!

I don’t want Morgan to die, but how likely is it that he wouldn’t already be dead minutes after they found him?

Well, if you gotta be blown to bits, being blown to bits in the trunk of a Rolls has to make it better!

Best. Car. Fight. Ever.

I’m sure that will come as great comfort to him. :slight_smile:

Be still my heart! What a car!

“I’m meeting Condileeza for cosmos.” Have fun girls!

Especially nice now that it’s not 'sploded. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I was talking about the Shelby Cobra, but yeah, the Rolls was nice, too! :smiley:

Oh good. I was actually kinda worried about the wedding for a minute there. :slight_smile:

I kinda want a Jeffster shirt now. Oh Lester, it’s called tone. Get some.

Have fun at Heroes. Gonna watch The Closer now. :slight_smile:

You just know they’re gonna have them on the NBC website by next week. :slight_smile:

I now have an alternate costume to go with my Buy More shirt…just need to make it.

I’m not that industrious. I’ll happily let someone else make it for me. :slight_smile:

Special relevant insight into Solai: First favorite rock and roll song: Africa :smiley:

I was singing along, myself! :smiley: