Chuck 2x11 Chuck Versus Santa Claus

who’d have guessed Capt Awesome’s an adrenaline junkie?

think the crash’ll do it for him?

we can wait for you Mr B–just hit the opening credits

Is this the No Frills Jack Black?

OK, I FF’ed through the credits. Heading to the Santa’s Village now.

Jack Grey, I suppose. :slight_smile:

Papercuts! “I’m on gift wrapping station.”

Oh craaaap!! It’s twinkie cop from Die Hard!

yeah, when you’re committing a felony, always give your full name

“It’s an electronics store, not Basra.” :slight_smile:

OMGs! It’s the cop from Die Hard! :smiley:


and the dad from Mallrats

Actually, he’s Ned Ryerson from "Groundhog Day’! The acot who played “Passport” Werner Brandes in ‘Sneakers’

Is anyone else freaked out?

Mozer! Mozer! What Christmas film is that from? ‘A Christmas Story’, perhaps?

huh ?

Where? I didn’t see him.

Werner Brandes played Elle’s dad on Heroes, though.

Yeah. Makes no sense. Always reminds me of ‘Raising Arizona’, when they are robbing the bank and the guy uses Goodman’s real name and they start arguing.

Ned. The guy robbing the store has the same name as the character from ‘Groundhog Day’.

Poor Casey. Good thing there are two doctors there. :slight_smile:

Awesome is Jack from ‘Lost’.

“I have to think about my demands.” I love this show.