Chuck 2x09 Chuck Versus the Sensei

Do you mean behind Chuck when he’s talking to Casey? I don’t recognize it.

Erm…I give. Where is honey and woody from? Wait…is this a trick question?

Ugh! I don’t know. I’m not watching. I’ll do a search for Chuck stuff. There’s got to be someone that tracks this stuff.

Bulldog kidnaps Chuck–he IS the final cylon

Qtipping in public–that’s worse than my class full of nosepickers

Just me swimming in the gutter.

Embrace Me - Honey & Woody

Casey gets a time-out. go sit in the thinking chair!

I was shocked when I saw someone doing that in their office. I couldn’t look away. It was like watching a car wreck. He licked the tips and then put them in his ear. vomit bubbling Sorry y’all. Hope you ain’t eatin’

Nuh-uh. Not going to click on that. My inner Ackbar cries out, “IT’S A TRAP!”

well, now I don’t need to cook dinner :smiley:

What the craaap!?!

I love that–everyone should have an Inner Ackbar

Well, I did. Just weird. People making virtual versions of themselves. I wish they’d post a side-by-side comparison of virtual picture and real life picture…

abandon the carrot–and use my stick (in the retail sense)

he don’t roll on (however you spell sabbat in Hebrew)

FrakParty tip: don’t drink 3 cups of coffee and 2 bottles of water in the afternoon and then eat asparagus for dinner

It’s not that bad. :wink:

At first I thought it was a reference to Woody Woodpecker, but apparently his girlfriend’s name was “Winnie”, not “Honey”, so I got nuthin’.

Chuck is starting to damage Jayne’s–I mean Casey’s–calm

:eek: TMI :eek:

yeah, I thot so