Chuck 2x09 Chuck Versus the Sensei

Alton’s hair still looks horrible in this commercial.

Ohhhhhh…this can’t be good…

They’re even doing the hamming up acting of the Kung-Fu movies. They don’t skip a beat.

You lost your calm, John!

I’ve given up. He’s got it in new Good Eats too. Gel is his friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

“You’re damaging my calm Chuck.”

He’s Unleashing the Casey!!!

But anger leads to the Dark Side! :eek:

Good god…not the music!

Emmet is so hokey!

All these “It’s not my fault” are making me think of Lando and Han from ESB.

Go Chuck!!

Awesome! Gary Cole!

What did they get a two-for-one on former Babylon 5 captains?

I’m sure it’s deliberate.

Alright guys…I’m off to do my thing. It was a light night tonight…but still fun! :slight_smile:

Maybe we’ll finally find out what the Apocalypse Box is all about! :stuck_out_tongue:


Seasonal and otherwise!

I was wondering if you were coming. Where’s DBT?

iykwim ?