Chuck 2x08 Chuck Versus the Gravitron

Alton! Get a haircut!

Dude - I can’t think AND watch at the same time!

I’m just happy to see the man landing the promo gig. I’m a fan. Hell, maybe I’ll go buy some grape juice just to support him.

Thanx Badger. That was bugging me. He was in DS9 and a bunch of other stuff,

“Mazdanomics”. Whatever…

haha! I missed the commercial. I was stirring the bolognese sauce.

Does it say Oink Oink on the Turkey shirt?

Lady Big Mike?

Yeah, I’m surprised he hasn’t had more work like that. I think I saw him in a soup commercial earlier today.

I think she is playing. “Oh I’m not used to telling the truth.” Puppy eyes

I have Jeff’s Casio watch. Sad, but true.

Lester looks strange in regular clohtes.

Yes, it says “Oink, Oink.”

“What do I have to do to get this…real turkey?”

Young Frankenstein bit. Put the candle back, Jeff.

Hey – we just heard the store # – 2453. Holy crap! Sweet. You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for that. Look for something related next week. :slight_smile:

Big Mike fishing interruptus can not be good!

As Morgan “O-faces” his way through the mashed potatoes. Heh.

He’s in the garbage. LOL!!

Aw, no Meet the Awesomes. :frowning:

It’s gonna be buy-more thanksgiving at the Chuck house.