Castle 4x02 Heroes & Villains

And yet another twist. :slight_smile:

“Just like us…” Ah, if only. I am such a shipper.

Awwwwww! They are so cute :slight_smile:

Glad that Alexis isn’t being the creepy girlfriend.

But also: those aphorisms about college. ugh.

“Especially if we move in together.” Yeah, not where Castle expected that to go.

There had to be another shoe. But at least that’s marginally more well thought out than taking the same classes as him.

I think she’s pulling his leg - mostly at least

Thanks guys, it was fun. Now off to bed

Yes, nice chatting with you all. I’m sure I’ll be back next week :slight_smile:

@NathanFillion: Did I make a @GameOfThrones reference on Castle? Yes. Was it a cheap ploy to get on their show? …yes.”

Has no one heard of the Lone Ranger? Lone Ranger had a partner. Tonto. Tonto!

Whoa, that’s quite an opener… no pun intended.

“No, it’s the onions.”


Oh man, I think they are gonna have a big episode with Alexis before she leaves. I hope her character survives unscathed.

Whoa, Mrs. Ferris is cold blooded… But, she’s about to explain why I think in 3… 2…

Oh no, Castle and the puns…

Lol. He’s so excited.

“You’re welcome to peruse my issues anytime.”

I bet she is!!

Wait, real Marvel comics??? Is a Castle writer a fan of Marvel or is a Marvel exec a fan of Castle? Or, did Marvel just pay ABC for advertisement??

“…knocking some heads.”
“I do that now.”


Becket is lucky she didn’t lose fingers or a hand…