Castle 3x08 Murder Most Fowl

I thot so too. I can’t place him, though.

that vest, oh that vest

Love Beckett trying to hide her disbelief…

Told ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although the title is kind of a giveaway. :slight_smile:

It was another mystery/cop show. Maybe Life.

oh no, rat on the loose!


lol beckett looks how i feel in the mornings

From birds to killer surprised me…

whut? they’re replacing Castle with skating with the stars? ouch, america, ouch.

Somehow Castle remains ruggedly handsome. d:

Interesting B story, considering this is about a kidnapped child, much like the ending of the story of the Pied Piper. :eek:

There must be something in the coffee.

So the fowl in the title comes from the birdwatchers, amirite?



I love Beckett giving the lowdown on the perp. She’s awesome!

Zoom in and enhance! :smiley:

seriously, teams have info like that online? things have changed since I was a wee lass, or my younger siblings were small.

Heh. I almost said, “There,” along with them.

I wouldn’t be surprise if there’s Fantasy Sports for high school/middle school teams soon in the future. If not already…

I do wanna see/hear Gwyneth Paltrow sing. But, I’m not much for country outside the Dixie Chicks.

Depends if it’s a smallish town. People can be so naïve. Some elementary schools around here put out “yearbooks” with pictures and addresses. Fortunately, they don’t have them online. Yet. :frowning: