Castle 3x04 Punked

Castle should be careful waving that gun around, I’ve shot one of those before and let me tell you knowing that the powder could ignite the gun in your hand makes you want to be very careful with them.

is this a steampunk club?

and seriously? a Jules Verne password?

I got it again, “private steampunk society”

Steampunk-a-palooza! :eek:

I’ve been waiting for the steampunk angle to show up since I saw the preview last week.

of course Castle wants to try the toys

“poetry and wonder and meaning even in death”


“I think he’s going for the time machine!”

of course he is, Castle.

And poor Esposito.

Poor Esposito! :eek:

Man poor Esposito just can’t catch a break tonight.

so who took the clothes?


Of course the duel was over a girl.

of course they let Castle practice with the antique guns

I wonder what Chuck would say about the representation of geekitude here

That set up looks positively mythbuster-esque.

“manslaughter it is”

I don’t recall those type of guns being that inaccurate when I show one.

“Manslaughter it is.” :smiley:

Love the outfit Castle.

They were obviously accurate enough from time to time, since people died in duels fairly often.

Love that Beckett echoes what Alexis said

“How do you know when you’re in love?”
“All the songs make sense.”

That’s downright brilliant. :stuck_out_tongue: