Castle 2x24 A Deadly Game

You’re just jealous that ABC doesn’t sell “Lady Disdain” coffee mugs. :stuck_out_tongue:

BSG cast mining continues!!! :smiley:

Cylons are taking over Castle. Maybe even ABC.

am I that transparent? sigh

You thot it was just a coincidence that V is revealing “The Plan”?

I can get you a Lady Disdain coffee mug by 2 o’clock.

Cylon!! heartskip UGH! This is killing me.

We really need a 2 hour Castle TV movie, with extra budget and an all BSG/Firefly/Dr H cast. Nathan, make it so! (please)

Cylon! :eek::eek:

LOL!! I don’t doubt it for a minute :smiley:

The plan is to take over ABC programming??

“I thot this would be our last case.”

Awwww, noooo!

[li]Steal underpants.
[/li][li]Take over ABC programming.
You know, it just might be. :eek:

You ok??

Crummy break up. How many women has he been with?

Until the new season.

I’ll be fine until there are more than four Cylons in the episode.

Then I won’t be able to eek enough. :eek:

so say we all…

Cylon! :eek::eek::eek:

I didn’t see that coming.

Ukrainians!? Run Marty!!

I was literally just about to type that. :stuck_out_tongue: