Castle 2x22 Food to Die For

OK. I like what Castle is wearing.

Cas, whadya think? Too metro?

“What would you do?”

Oh MY!! Nazi Germany is turning in it’s grave.

Candid Camera is one thing. This is surveillance.

I like it. But I like metro. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not too much for the hairy “manly-men,” but everyone’s got different taste. Trucco’s looking nice, too :slight_smile:

“you want to make little Castle babies!”


“You wnat to make little Castle babies”

I’m T-shirt and jeans but my wife says I clean up good. I bet she’d like me in that outfit.

Why did it take so long to come up with gambling?

Yuop You called it. Gambling

I’d like my spouse in that outfit. He’d never wear it, though :frowning:

Willy Wonka!?! Again?!?

I think i am on the right track wit the love interest

So, he was going to propose to Wong?

Battering Ram on the sand castle!! :smiley:

willy wonka, rent… meh. too many commercials.

and now I want something chocolate with whipped cream on it. thanks, mcdonalds.

It’s either Wong or Madison.

So, 'fess up boys - how did/will your proposals go?

Despite ourselves, spouse went down on one knee with the ring in his hand after a romantic dinner in February. :smiley:

I am thinking his “brothers” girl

“I fall in love with random women on the subway.”

ahem I don’t know anything about that.

Silly Castle, falling in love with people on the subway… they’re funny.

Oh awkward moment there!

Nice call on the brother’s girlfriend