Castle 2x21 Den of Thieves

No one, so far. Unless someone betted against them hooking up.

It’s because of labelling laws for medications. Anything that happens to anyone in the initial testing is listed as a potential side effect. In fact, there’s a med (I can’t remember what) that lists African sleeping sickness (which can only be caught from the bite of a tsetse fly) because someone in the test group got it. :slight_smile:

Bwahahahaha! It’s like we’re all on the same case! I love Castle!

Right, I know, it just seems a bit wrong…

I’m not use to losing… Awwwwww!

Aw poor Castle, not used to losing…

… though losing to Trucco isn’t too bad.

Castle is not taht good is he.

It’s a cop show. The guy from IA is always a dick. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it just me, or does Tim look an awful lot like Esposito? :eek:

Kirk doesn’t like to lose either. I think we can expect him to fight dirty. :slight_smile:

He’s working deep cover. Never left the case.

Oh, day-um! :eek:

snort That newscaster just said am-neez-ee-ah. :smiley:

Local news update:

“…man was armed with a gun and marijuana.”

How does that work? Was he going to flick an ember on someone? Or beat them with a hemp branch? :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, So Espisitos partner is deep under cover. He is still a good guy. Thats why he closed the dudes eyes.

There are some weird racial politics going on here… or is it just me

Ding ding ding!

Oooh! This is getting good!

That’s my thot!

Oh, gods, please let them be ok!

Look under the bed just in case.

“And now you’re holding a burner on me?”

Who talks like that?

This is awesome. :slight_smile: