Castle 2x20 The Late Shaft

There’s was a discussion a long time ago, in a thread far, far away about FTW. I forgot who asked (was it me?) who asked what FTW stood for. Hilarity ensued and somehow Frak the Whut showed up. It was my avatar for a while.

Any help on this?

Oh Castle is gonna slip and say Becket…

Well, only after he was safe.

Ok that was worse…but he did say Becket while in bed.

Is it me or did those seem like acting tears?

Those were total Acting tears

My God. This episode has tons of celeb guest stars.

The sparkle in Beckett’s eye there was great

Saw that one as soon as he said actress.

Castle cough. Funny.

Holy Frak!!! Conans Mug is on Bobbys DESK!!!

Look, Fred did it. ATGreat for the win! :smiley:

Everything about this show is all about CoCo/Leno. Ironically on the day they announced Conans new show.

Aw so cute, Dad spending time with daughter :slight_smile:

Who played Ellie? She looks familiar.

Trucco is on next week!!

I called it first… :rolleyes:

Awesome! Anders! :stuck_out_tongue:

[spoiler]So I guess this is the 4th to last of the season? He’s supposed to be Beckett’s bf, right?[/spoiler]

Don’t confuse me with the facts. :wink: :smiley: