Castle 2x10 One Man's Treasure

I know. I’m gonna watch it again. Maybe I’ll talk to Badger and see if we can setup a frak party for it.

We’re gonna need some tape…

Had you recycled… LOVE CASTLE!

“Had you recycled? You might have got away with it.”


“She’s a chip off the ol’ block.”

HAHA! Beckett eyes roll!

Beyounce stole Tina Turner’s outfit!!

Awwwwww! Castle is falling hard, no?

That was priceless!

Good idea. Is it still on Netflix instant?

Yes. Yes it is. Perfect holiday movie, don’t ya think?

Indeed. :smiley:

I don’t understand. You mean for Beckett?

You didn’t see the look on his face when she was telling Alexis what a good job she did? He was melting!

No doubt. He is totally smitten. They’re like the new Moonlighting.

I vaguely remember Moonlighting. I was a little young for it (10 when it came out).

love castle, but for some reason this episode didn’t have the same impact. i think it had a great plot. Double cooperate espionage. A company cheating to make another company fail. Everything was intriguing. Just felt like it wasn’t put together as well as before.

I loved when Castle’s mom said “i’m still waiting for that moment actually” XD