Castle 2x01 Deep in Death

Castle and Beckett’s relationship is so entertaining.

She’s taking it much better than I would (the whole husband being dead bit)

Castle’s home life is also wonderfully entertaining

FAmily calls always mess me up.

Thats a cool piece of art on his wall.

She has built up a wall. But i’m gonna build a door in that wall. or a ladder or dig a hole

and a joke about optioning Asteriod! Ah I missed this show…

Castle’s mom is my favorite character.

Hey its Monk!! Kinda.

And did they just throw out a Asteroids movie shout out.

Didn’t see the dead-man-didn’t-have-a-job angle coming

somebody hated his guts.

Somebody hated his guts!!! HAHAHAHAH

Even the bad jokes are hiliarious!!

the looks they all gave him were priceless

You are definitely taken advantage of my need for sleep. I will be 1000 post behind you soon

yup. And my Noles are ranked again!! back to 18

“Maybe he’s fancy… strangling people with his pinkie up.” :smiley:

Where are the Gators? Be truthful.

like… tea…

I love Castle. Everything he says is funny

Fancy fingerprinting.