Castle 1x07 Always Buy Retail

So did anything happen in the last segment? My coworker decided to tell me at length about getting his wedding ring cut off after the bit with the bolt-cutter to the finger was mentioned. Of course, now that it’s a commercial, he’s absolutely silent. :rolleyes:

Oh, show’s back. Waiting for him to start up again. :stuck_out_tongue:

There were a string of bump key robberies here last year. Iz teh suck. :mad:


I’m old school- I like dirtbag! snort

“Specialized in bump keys”? What’s so special about that? A two-minute Google search would tell you all you need to know.

Rosebud is the sled.

Verbal is Keysar Soze.

Vader is Luke’s father.

Maggie did it.

Bruce Willis is dead.

I like Skeksis …a nice Dark Crystal shoutout

The list of different words people use for “suspect” reminds me of the conversations I had on last weekend’s roadtrip and it’s kind of funny.

Mal-Kitten-Nathan’s hair is kinda gorgeous. :slight_smile:

Ooh! I might have to give you the Topgun special:

Bite me! :smiley:

That’s just mean! I thot Luke’s Dad was Obi Wan!

Notice I didn’t give away any Star Trek spoilers.

lol shot too soon. can always just cuddle.
nice role reversal :slight_smile:

Loved it! :smiley:

Saw that good shooting coming

You took a “toadtrip”? Isn’t that illegal in this country? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anais Nin? Mother how many of those have you had?


Oh, yeah, but they held it off long enough to make it good!

The music is so overthetop! Used to bug me, but now I like it.

Ok, who sings Major Tom in that Lincoln ad? Anyone?

whoops! my cover must be blown.

Naw, of course I meant roadtrip. Meaning, a looooooooooong drive to Kentucky. :stuck_out_tongue: