Castle 1x04 Hell Hath No Fury

I’m sticking with the wife did it.

Gonna go with Campaign Manager.

Well, I was half-right. The PI was the blackmailer.

hmm, either the campaign manager or the call girl.

Actually, I’m leaning toward the call girl. She mentioned having something to lose if the pictures got out.

The wife’s just too obvious.

Business meeting musical chairs. LOL :smiley:

OK, that Chili’s commercial was pretty good. Musical chairs to the hold music on a conference call. Ingenious!

hrmph. :mad:

Curses! I should have expected the Spanish Inquisition! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wife AND Campaign manager!

Well, this is going to backfire. :smiley:

I wonder if they sell those life-size Nathan Fillion cutouts. :smiley:

hmmmmmm, the posibilities…