Caprica Final Five Frak Party

“We can build a place where nobody will be able to touch us.”

…and that place will NOT be called Neverland Ranch :rolleyes:

Whoa. The gods are angry. :eek:

LOL! Especially when I was seeing her last SG-1 episodes when I first watched this…

wow. Clarice wants statues of herself in heaven. shades of Baltar anyone?

“Statues of whom?”

Ah, the reflected glory of the earthly representative of God. :rolleyes:

This scene is unreal. Wow. I figured if either of them would do it it would have been Sam.

OK, that’s pretty frakked up right there. :eek:

Word. Up. :eek:

a) Clarice’s response that of course there would be a statue of her is so… HER.

b) Sam, oh Sam.

Just checking, but you realize it was Joseph who pulled the trigger? Which is even more frakked up when you look at their later lives.

yeah, yet it was Sam who went all gangster… and he was the one who brought in the gun :frowning:

Of course, Sam is a good foot and a half taller than Joe, so it probably worked out for the best. :slight_smile:

“She’s still mad.”

Dude has a flair for understatement. :eek:

“They say our children have nothing to teach us.” :smiley:

That’s some bad hat Harry.

He’s got a burn notice on him? Maybe Michael Weston can help. :slight_smile:

It’s important the advertisements exude boyancy and joy. Showmanship.

Activate the Liberace Avatar!!!:smiley:

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

Now that is a good answer for religious doubts. :slight_smile:

“By your command.”

SQUEEEEE!!! :smiley:

That was awesome. Go Lacey!